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Pollens are produced by plants so that they can reproduce. Very small pollens are carried by the wind. These pollens which are airborne come from trees, grasses, and weeds. Larger pollens are the ones carried by insects such as bees. Certain plants pollinate at different times of the year, and those times of the year may also vary depending on what part of the country you’re in. For example, trees are pollinating in the springtime. In Atlanta, these trees mainly include Elm, Oak, Cedar. Weeds pollinate in the Summer and Fall months. Ragweed is a well-known weed.

We always hear people on the news talking about the pollen count. So what exactly is a pollen count?

Pollen is counted using a device that collects the pollen over a 24 hour period. Pollens, which can be identified by their unique size and shape, is then counted and measured to show the number of pollen grains per meter of cubic air. Pollen counts are dependent on many factors including wind, rain, and temperature. Pollen counts can rise into the thousands during a very bad season.

Depending on how allergic you’re to certain allergens may make a high pollen count day tolerable or one where you may not want to leave your house.

If you have suffered enough with allergies, please schedule a visit with Dr. Zweig to discuss allergy testing and possible treatment.

Posted on behalf of Julie Zweig, MD

2650 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 510
Alpharetta, GA 30022

Phone: (404) 255-4080
FAX: (404) 990-3542

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Alpharetta, GA 30022

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